Category Archives: News
2015 in Retrospective
Published on: January 21,2016
This is kind of a late news blog post but better late than never. 2015 was a great year for eventON not only the growth of its customer-hood but also addon library and features for eventON. We stand here today and looking back we have done our best to satisfy lot of requests from our customers. […]
Event 2.3.13 and its effects
Published on: December 9,2015
Hello guys wanted to say few words about the latest eventON version update and its effect on other addons. As we speak eventon 2.3.13 is available in auto update and will be available for manual FTP update from codecanyon soon. Big Change The biggest change made in this version is the new lightbox HTML and […]
EventON and Page Builder (siteOrigin)
Published on: September 24,2015
in News
Lot of you have recently had issues with Page Builder by Site Origin. You can check the current progress on the topic at A temporary solution for this issue what you can do on the eventON side is go to myEventON Settings and make sure Disable content filter is turned on – down side of this […]
Event Tickets Addon v 1.0
Published on: October 21,2014
Hello guys, I am super excited to introduce you the newest release of the event tickets addon. I took down all your requests and issues and spend considerable amount of time including those into the addon and making it ever so great. What is new? Your customers can now buy tickets from repeating events The dates […]
What is in the works
Published on: October 8,2014
in Announcements, News
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick update. For the next couple of weeks we are trying to focus heavily on Event RSVP , ActionUser and EventTickets addons. Lot of new stuff have we are working on after hearing all your comments about previous versions. I really want to address what you guys really […]
Addon License Activation Issues
Published on: September 17,2014
in Announcements, News
Hey Guys, So we had our system update WooCommerce to new version and it broke the addon license activation function and we can’t go back to old version either. I am in talk with WC guys to get this fixed as soon as I can. What this means is you are not able to activate […]
EventON 2.2.15 is here
Published on: August 13,2014
Hi guys, the long awaited new update to eventon is here. Sorry about the delay, support has been taking a long time away from building this. With that news, I am looking for php/WP developers to help us with development related support queries, if you are interested please email me to info[at] What’s new? […]
New Event Tickets Addon
Published on: June 27,2014
in Addons, New Release, News
This news update is little late mainly due to the fact I’ve been busy trying to tie in lot of things for eventON and doing updates to landing pages. Anyways, I sent out a newsletter to some of you about the EventTicket addon for eventON, so thank you for opening that email and responding to […]
Fix: Addon license activation issue
Published on: June 18,2014
Quick fix for addon license not activating. Where to place the files: settings_addons_licenses.js == ../wp-content/plugins/eventON/assets/js/admin/ addon_details.php & settings_addons_tab.php == ../wp-content/plugins/eventON/admin/includes What this will solve: Not being able to activate the addons for eventon
RSVP Events addon update & new addon page
Published on:
I am super excited to introduce to you the next version of RSVP Events addon. I have been spending lot of time in the past few days ironing things out and adding some amazing featured to this addon. We are bringing this to a whole new level now. Some Amazing Additions Captcha validation […]