
EventON 4.0

Published on: October 7,2021

New Release

EventON 4.0 is the biggest update to eventON Calendar Plugin. We have made various design improvements and performance updates. We hope you enjoy our hard work. Here are the... [...]

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Paid Virtual Events with EventON 3.1 and Jitsi Integration

Published on: March 31,2021

AddonsNew Release

In our big 3.1 update to EventON we added a more close integration with Jitsi. You can see how to connect to jitsi in here. We introduced a close... [...]

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EventON 2.8

Published on: November 12,2019

AnnouncementsNew Release

Thank you very much for your patient with the EventON 2.8, I know a lot of customers have been waiting for this for quite sometime now. I am happy... [...]

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New Addons for RSVP

Published on: December 27,2018

New ReleaseNews

As we are closing on the end of another year for eventON and we wanted to make it even better with the 4 remaining days of 2018. I am... [...]

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Server Migration & Sync Addon with Facebook

Published on: August 16,2018

New Release

The Great Migration is Over First of all my apologies for not forewarning you guys about the server migration. It was something I wanted to do for quite sometime,... [...]

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Sync Addon & Facebook API Update

Published on: April 18,2018

New ReleaseNews

Due to the latest API update by facebook our Sync addon has stopped working in importing facebook events. Since April 4th, facebook has restricted access for events in API... [...]

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EventON 2.5

Published on: January 17,2017

AnnouncementsNew ReleaseNews

We are so happy to release our newest update to eventON – a much needed update that takes eventon to the next level. We are switching to a new... [...]

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ActionUser Plus & Slider Addon

Published on: November 15,2016

AnnouncementsNew Release

Great news guys we got the slider addon back in the store!!   ActionUser Plus   Lot of people have been asking us for ways to charge users for submitting events.... [...]

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New EventON, ActionUser and RSVP addon

Published on: April 27,2016

AddonsNew ReleaseUpdate

As you may already know we have released EventON 2.3.21 last week. There wasnt any major additions it was mostly fixed past bugs with the plugin. However this new... [...]

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EventON 2.3.6 & New ActionUser addon

Published on: July 12,2015

New Release

Hey guys I really appreciate your patients with the new update for actionUser it took us sometime but this update is packed with so many new things that some... [...]

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New Addon: Sync facebook & google calendar events

Published on: May 26,2015

AddonsNew Release

  This is our newest addon for eventON. Lot of you have been asking for this for a long time and I am happy make the announcement today for... [...]

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New EventON 2.3 is ready

Published on: April 15,2015

AnnouncementsmyEventONNew Release

Hey guys want to introduce you to eventON version 2.3! What is new The biggest addition in this version is our newest layout design – the tile calendar layout. Which... [...]

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