
Events Map

Put all your events on one map representing all their locations and number of events at that location to provide an amazing experience for your visitor


Event Photos Plus

Mobile optimized lightbox image gallery for events that is seamlessly intergrated into eventCard


Dynamic Pricing

Create unlimited time sensitive ticket prices for eventON calendar event tickets while offering special prices for your website members.


Daily View

Use daily view addon to give a better user experience to allow users to navigate events one day at a time.


RSVP Events Waitlist

Create waitlist for guests to add themselves to your super popular event using Waitlist Addon.


Newly Updated


Auto generate and send PDF confirmations and tickets for RSVP and Tickets addons for your customers.


Event API

Event API addon allow your to display eventON calendar on external websites and pull event data in JSON format.


Event Reviewer

Allow your website visitors to leave reviews about events and rate them to give a real-life customers perspective for events.



Generate demand and controlled access to your availability using bookings addon for EventON


Newly Updated

Include Anything

Include any wordpress posts within event calendar, as if it was a regular event.


RSVP Points

Allow customers to purchase points, which can be used at a later time to RSVP to events at their convenience.


Newly Updated

RSVP Events

Do you want to allow your attendees RSVP to event so you know who is coming and who is not? and be able to check people in at the event? RSVP event can do that for you seamlessly.


Repeat Customizer

Customize various event data for each repeating instance of a repeating event.



Convert your regular event tickets into interactive and handpickable seats from the seat map.


Moon Data

Display moon data on the date of the event.


Virtual Plus

Extend virtual event features beyond basics with virtual plus


ICS Importer

Import events into EventON calendar from ICS file format, output from Outlook, iCal and Google calendar.


Event Lists: Ext

Get our event lists ext. addon to do more things with your eventON calendar event list.


Advent Calendar

Reveal hidden event informations or deals to your customers everyday with Advent Calendar for EventON


Newly Updated


Send auto reminder emails to your event guests - from RSVP or Tickets addon - before and after event take place and build up excitement for your events.


RSS Feed

Your website visitors can now easily RSS to all your calendar events using RSS Feed addon.


Action User

Power-up your eventON calendar with actionUser to allow front-end event submissions, user permissions control and a whole lot of other amazing features.


Event Wishlist

Wishlist addon can be used as bookmark or likes for logged-in users to remember events they are interested in and visit them at a later time on your website.


Filters Plus

Extends your EventON Calendar filter capabilities to the next level and allow your visitors to interactively filter and find events easily.


Event Countdown

Display a real-time countdown timer for events to increase demand for your events and drive audience attention.


ActionUser Paid Feature Events

Monetize featuring ability of events submitted by customers using ActionUser submission form.


Full Cal

Would you prefer a grid style calendar instead of a list style? If so, this is the addon on for you! The FullCal addon  will convert EventON to a full grid calendar view.



Your website users can subscribe to receive emails when you post new events on your calendar using this addon.


QR Code

Add awesome QR Codes to event tickets so you can check-in attendance at your event with a smart phone like a boss!


Event Slider

Convert your events into a beautifully crafted slider of events that place events on spotlight.


Event Lists & Items

Create event type categories, locations, and organizers lists and show events for each item or just one category item box.


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Speakers & Schedule

Setup speakers and their schedule for each event that is seamlessly integrated with rest of eventON calendar.


CSV Event Importer

Import event data from other calendars into your eventON calendar using this addon -- using CSV format.


Weekly View

Do you have too many events to fit in one month and you want to organize them into days? This addon will allow you to showcase events for one day of the month at a time.


RSVP Events Invitees

Invite guests to your cool event using RSVP Events Invitees addon.


Ticket Variations & Options

Take your event tickets to next level with ticket variations and options and offer your customers with sophisticated ticket options.


Newly Updated

Event Tickets

Are you looking to sell tickets for your events with eventON? Event Tickets powered by Woocommerce is the ultimate solution for your ticket sales need. Stop paying percentage of your ticket sales and try event tickets addon!


Yearly View

Show 12 months, an entire year of events in one setting in an elegant yearly calendar view.


ActionUser Plus

Monetize your customer event submissions via ActionUser event submission form.


What are EventON Addons

The above addons are extensions for eventON Calendar plugin only. The addons extend the features and functionality of EventON Calendar. You are required to EventON main plugin for the addons to function correct, in other words – you can not run addons itself without eventON main plugin.


Addon License For Developers

EventON addons do NOT have a developer license version. You are NOT permitted to include eventON addons in a theme or a plugin that will be resold in a marketplace (envato) Even though this is an available option for eventON main plugin with our permission, it is not an option for eventON addons.



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